should Surreal re-release Drakan as freeware?

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Post by ASSASSIN »

Well, I've been improving graphics today. I've changed the base engine, from Quake2 to Quake2MAX (here I want to already thank the staff creating this wonderful engine, and the other brave tutorial makes who's work taught me how to see through in Quake2).

Quake2MAX has a very impressive performance, just look at these realtime shadows: ... adows1.jpg ... adows2.jpg

I will be trying to add some new things, working hard on the stuff. Stay focused. :)

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Post by kypster »

I'm working on the website I'm creating a nice little intro although IE won't read those bastard frames although Mozilla will.

Oh and yes those shadows are very nice. love em

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Post by ASSASSIN »

OOoooooooooooo it's been a while I posted here, was it?

Well, some news. :)

New weapon classes added - close quarter weapons, magic weapon. These act like their name suggests, and have a special ability: if you keep holding the attack button, you can charge their attacks up (in limits, of course - no "I am charing for 30 minutes now" effects lol). Bulking yourself up with a close quarters weapon will cost lots of stamina, magic boosting will take heaps of mana, though. Well, everything comes at a price! 0=)

Rideable/flyable monsters are also added now. :) You can either let them control themselves while you ride them (so you can shoot with arrows/cast spells meanwhile) or control them manually. Both method has it's adventages/disadventages. :) It will be fun to see dragons and riders finally being able to act seperately though!

And, something really new: I could change Quake2 to be able to load weapon properties from external file! This should able mapmakers do their own weapons, and not be limited to use the hardcoded weapons of the game. :)

And, at this point I must declare: the big changes to the game are done! Right now I will shift my efforts to bugfinding instead of coding new things into the game (most important things are coded in now as you can see). Stay focused. :)

The Darklord
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Post by The Darklord »

Testdrivers needed...?

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Post by ASSASSIN »

Will be! Not yet though, I must get the basics done first and then some tyding (like changing menus to support the new tweaks, removing needless debugging stuff, etc). Though I will surely let you know when it will be avaliabe for testing/playing. =)

The Darklord
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Post by The Darklord »

Kewl :) From Saturday, I'll have nothing more to do, so, it could be an interesting thing to do...

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Post by ASSASSIN »

Well, I don't know when will the game be fully ready. The technical side wouldn't be too long taking, but I must get new modells into the game, etc etc you see. That might take a while. Though, if the tech side is done, I will consider a testing for the technical stuff. Will let you know. :)

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Post by Othello »

There are tons of games that I know that should go freeware. Wheel of Time, Omikron: Nomad Soul, Kohan: Ahriman's Gift...all great games, but alas, very rare. Drakan should be freeware.

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Post by ASSASSIN »

Right tense used: should be. It's not, and with the policy Surreal had so far, will not be in anytime soon.

The Darklord
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Post by The Darklord »

The only free games I ever found were CM1, CM 93/94, CM Italia, and Elifoot. It's a start... *rolls his eyes*

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Post by kypster »

I started a small map for Drakan PC 2 trying to keep it simple, Although seeing we now have flying beasts in the game I'll have to make it biggger than I was going to try.

Oh and the website will be up soon i'm still thinking about where it should be hosted like at source forge or just on my server.(I havn't decided yet)

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Post by ASSASSIN »

I have a department at Planetdrakan, it will be fine I think. :)

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Post by ASSASSIN »

Uploaded! :) Thanks a lot :)
I'll check things soon...

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