Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Arokhs Twin »

I haven't thought of that but it may be something to think about in the future. For now the advertising revenue pays for the site so it will be renewed for another year at least. There's also the option of moving it to a server based at home but Ill look at that later if needed.
Thanks for the suggestions though
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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Nightingale1429 »

But I JUST got here! :cry:

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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Arokhs Twin »

Well, I managed to get the site running on a Netgear ReadyNAS 102 - all seems to be working OK but performance is poor with wordpress. I think its because the NAS box has such a low powered CPU - the server this site currently runs on is a quad core intel xeon with 16gb RAM...

It was worth trying it out anyway just to see how it would run but for now I think Ill be keeping the site where it is.
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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by lula de silva »

Hello Everybody, from Hungary!!
Specially for you Arokhs Twin!! i was 13 years old when drakan published now im 29 and still my favorite game. Yes you did a very good job and i really admire your work. This game still alive,still real and its thanks for you... in the beginning it was a lot of drakan pages but just for few months, you did the best time and the best work from all of it. I really thank you and i just hope you not give up to keep alive drakan world.

its already 16 years i visiting arokhs lair , i would like to do the same ..

big hug and big respect from a big fan!! ;)


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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Arokhs Twin »

Thanks :) I also have the funds for another year's hosting as well so we will be around for a while yet.
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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Neoslive »

Don't shut down the site. Not only is it the last barely-standing drakan fansite, but it also has all the drakan related resources. Information for almost all problems drakan related comes from - you guessed it - forums. This one, specifically. Just because it doesnt get constant traffic doesnt mean its use has expired. There's people that reinstall the game every now and then and run into questions or problems nobody can answer since the fanbase is extinct. But the forum history stands and shows up on search engines. Think about that. If this site goes off, every bit of remaining drakan info dies. It's like burning down a library full of extremely rare or unique works.

I can donate to keep the site up. I am not a frequent user, and i don't post alot. But when i need something, I come here. Keep this site up.

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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Arokhs Twin »

Neoslive wrote:Don't shut down the site. Not only is it the last barely-standing drakan fansite, but it also has all the drakan related resources. Information for almost all problems drakan related comes from - you guessed it - forums. This one, specifically. Just because it doesnt get constant traffic doesnt mean its use has expired. There's people that reinstall the game every now and then and run into questions or problems nobody can answer since the fanbase is extinct. But the forum history stands and shows up on search engines. Think about that. If this site goes off, every bit of remaining drakan info dies. It's like burning down a library full of extremely rare or unique works.

I can donate to keep the site up. I am not a frequent user, and i don't post alot. But when i need something, I come here. Keep this site up.
Thanks for your encouragement. I have secured funding for the site so no donations are needed right now - I would never ask for money from members but thanks for your offer. I will be keeping the site going due to everyone's comments and income from advertising revenue.

- AT
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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by PigVomit »

And Arokhs Lair just keeps it going. Again, a very special thanks to Arokhs Twin. ( I don´t know why it´s so hard to write the word Arokhs, I think it has something to do with finnish language, I have to copy/paste the word :? ..) I always mispell it just Aroks, that is something that just sounds more "reasonable" to my ear, but anyway, thanks for this awesome site!! Thank You Arokhs Twin!. Without your efforts we are nothing.
Vomit on the nearest asshole

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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Arokhs Twin »

Thanks! Got enough funding for the site to remain running. If I get time (as I may be loosing my job soon) I might look into a major overhaul and design of the site.
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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Yutaji »

Never made an account before and just been visiting this site many times over the years. Just wanted to say thank you so much for running it. Drakan is a very special game to me and I'm really happy to see there's still a small community for it!

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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Jasoya »

First off Thank you so much for keeping this site up and running for us all to enjoy. I would like for everyone to continue this enjoyment (even if the fanbase seems to be as low as the population of Surdana, and as dead as a skeleton blown up with a Sonic Boom). Is there a way to donate to the site? I wouldn't mind providing donations to keep this site kicking (unless that's against the terms of use). Could you use a platform like Patreon to support the site? I mean, you created this site, surely that counts as being a creator.
Explore and exploit, my two favorite things to do while playing an old-favorite game.

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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Arokhs Twin »

I haven't looked into funding other than what the advertisements revenue brings in. That has dropped by 70% this year though. Having said that I still need to pay for hosting as I have some other web sites which I have moved to the same server this site runs on. This reduces overall cost so really this site only costs £20 a year for the domain renewals plus my time so I'm happy to keep it going for a couple of years yet.

Thanks for your offer of donating to the site though but for now I have (or soon will be) renewing the two & .com domains for another year and I have the funds for that. The server and site is really a hobby interest so now that I have significantly reduced costs I'm not gonna shut it down any time soon.

PS I did loose my job as in my earlier post but I have a better one now...
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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Jasoya »

That is great news to hear, both about your job and that the site will not be leaving anytime soon. Cheers! :wink:
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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Rynn1969 »

Hello all,

I must say,it's wonderful to still see a Drakan fan-site,after all this time!My fandom of Drakan:TAG,goes back a long way.....from the very beginning.About 6 months after TAG was released,I picked up a copy of it at my local Walmart(& wouldn't you know it,the strategy guide for it,was already out of print!)Thanks to,I was able to finally complete this game...after 2 years!
Back in 2002,I did not even own a computer(as I was using an internet terminal device,which was a piece of hardware that you connected to a TV set and you streamed the internet...via a giant server and the company was called WebTV.
On WebTV,there was a Drakan fan site and it was hardcore!Not ever having a computer,I was completely oblivious to the existence of The Order Of The Flame,but some years later,I bought a copy of it...when I purchased my very first PC in 2004.
After having experienced Drakan TAG on my PS2(of which I still have)...I did not care for The Order Of The Flame much.It would have been amazing to have seen this series continue,but Surreal Software had become defunct...sadly.
I wish at least,Sony would have re-released a remastered version of Drakan for the PS4(or at least done so,for the PC.)Unfortunately,there are not legions of Drakan fans out there,but their is a strong cult following(as indicated by the hundreds of YouTube videos.Speaking of which,for years...I have been making Drakan TAG music videos and I have 30 of them on my first YouTube channel and I also have a few more of them,on my second YouTube channel.
Here is my very first video and after the intro,my music portion of it,begins at 3:46.These series of Drakan music videos was a true labor of love and I hope you all enjoy them.

Needless to say,that even with all of the advancements in the video game industry,there will never be an RPG like the artwork,storyline,characters and the music,was and continues to be,truly unique.
After having read through this thread,I must convey my profound thanks,to Arokh's Twin,for all of his efforts in keeping this site alive!



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Re: Thinking of shutting down or reducing this site

Post by Arokhs Twin »

Thanks and welcome to the forum, it's nice to see new members every now and again which shows there's still interest in the game. Ill be renewing the domain again this year and server operating costs haven't increased so we are good for now and hopefully for a few more years yet.
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