Well - this mod project looks like closed already. But I hope this ideas may be valuable for next attempts to build Drakan remake.
This ideas based on the viewing of released movies of gameplay and demos on the used engine.
The most horrible part that I see in these movies is no progress or even just the very beginning at all of Calculated player interaction with world objects. This may be the limitation of used engine ?
May be thanks to gods in 199x years the PC hardware was limited a lot in rendering high polycounts and designers of engine (programmers of Surreal Software Riot Engine) had time to code more or less advanced intercation part of engine. So viewed onscreen player character do not only plays fixed pre-defined animations but has some sort of animation-mixing engine and also inversed-kinematics part of engine. For example it is used when Rynn stays on slope surface - the foots oriented according to slope angle and direction, when Rynn interacts with objects (pick item, use item etc) - the arm is directed and in most times connected to item and moves with item. It is effects of 'visual kinematics'. And also may it contains sort of effects of 'dynamics'. As real objects has it mass the moving of objects do not starts from fixed speed and do not stops immediately. It works not with solid objects like stone (solid body/object) but with connected moving parts (like skeleton joints).
I do not saw almost no one 3rd person PC game after Drakan or about beginning of 200x years but I think there must be progress in 3rd person game engines not only in rendering more polygons, but also with much more advanced kinematics of character's animation/moving. May be even transition from pre-defined animations to computing animation data in realtime based on many input data (armor weight, connected items weight, joints stiffness, real legs position on terrain surface, phase of character's moving like prepare run, start run (acceleration), contitue running on real non-flat surface with computed each leg step on real non-flat surface etc).
The bipedal skeleton structure of 3rd person 3D game character is almost non-changing across the time so I think game engine designers (programmers) can make program code for more advanced software realtime kinematics and dynamics simulation of simplest movings like walk, run, sit, stand etc on the world exploring (and ofcourse melee-fighting too, but it is more game-dependent) as 20 years already passes after Drakan:OOTF and other 3rd person PC games released. As for Drakan as bipedal human + more advanced skeleton Dragon chars game - the code for Dragon char kinematics and dynamics may be harder to make and specific to this game. But where is the progress with the every-one needed physics animation computing for bipedal skeleton character over 20 years ?
Unfortunately in the released demos of Drakan Remake I see almost nothing of described above and possibly even degradation from 199x years Riot Engine - like no Inverse-Kinematics at all.
As I see in Unity Engine documentation it has some sort of IK code -
https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/InverseKinematics.html . May be it still poorer in compare with Riot Engine or hard to implement by one person ?
So if there will be progress in current remake attempt or different I ask developers and designers pay attention on the animation part of engine and the resulted gameplay to show any progress on character interaction with world objects and more real physics simulation in compare with 20-years old Surreal Riot Engine from 1999 year.