i'm in the monatery and I'm near the boss for this quest but you know where the floor the crack going through it is? I can't figure out how to get past that please help me out!
I think I managed it the first time I played but the second time I couldn't make it so I went back out and bought the timeslow spell. Keep trying at different parts; it requires patience and lots of it!
when your jumping your supposed to hold the forward button down the whole time. it doesnt matter when you push it. And there is one place in there where you need to be lined up with the middle or you can't make it. It was designed that way
That was a spot that hung me up on my first run thru the game. Yeah, grabbing and pulling up are indeed key. It's important to wait for it to stop shakin' and quakin' before you jump tho. It's tempting to try to hotdog it and run/jump as it's cracking, but THAT never worked.I always tried it from the middle since there's a slight prominance there... just seemed obvious.