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Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 12:19 am
by Sy
Thanks for the suggestions. I do experiment all I can, but I've noticed my trial and error end up with VERY BAD...uh, I'm trying to learn as painlessly as possible. I've already started my Homework#1, and should be done soon.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 12:35 am
by Sy
For those of you who are seasoned Drakan players and editors: I've come across a strange and amusing glitch in the game. Rynn's right arm completely dissapperaed as I was testing out a prototype weapon I was making. The limb simply failed to exist. She could still swing a sword, which was either invisible or just in midair held by her nonexistant hand. So far, this glitch has appeared only once on a recently produced level of mine.
I'm also going through the weapons craze...prototypes (all useable by Rynn) include a War Giant's Axe with ice ring and 100AP; Goblin Gun; Knight's Spear, A Slave Pick with Grim Power, and an icy giant's boomerang. It's all exremely amusing...I'm sure all you seasoned editors have gone though this phase.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:15 pm
by mage150
Yea, goblin gun, knight spear arent meant to be used by rynn hehe. Oh well.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 1:34 pm
What do you mean "not meant to be used"? They ARE working... they have the right bounding, and they are valid modells. I have used both, and the only problem with them is they sometimes appear in a "wild" angle (like the spear which is held backwards if I remember it right...). But nothing like arms disappearing.... you must have set something REALLY weird in that case :S

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 5:48 pm
by mage150
What i meant is that the models are not modeled to be used by rynn. I didnt say they would work.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 9:56 am
Ooooooooooh, I see. Yup, right then...

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:15 am
by Sy
Yea, that's perhaps one of the stranger glitches I've seen. Another one that's funny is Ebon Knights appearing 200 ft above the ground in the Volcano. Most fall to their deaths, but one did this thing where he ascended into space...
Also, a little secret of mine- When you are about to fight Werokh in the Grotto, you can make Wartock Zombies- when you get the dragon gate to Werokh's area open, stay in the doorway and use fire breath to kill all the Wartocks on the ground near Werokh. When they are all dead, shoot the bodies until they are all broken up into gibs. Next, go forward to activate the movie. You will see headless, limbless Wartocks running about during and after the cut scene. Rather amusing.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:04 am
Wanna see the biggest scene bug in the game? When yuo clear out the spiders in the 2nd map for the farmer, and already returned and got the rune, go back into the house. And NOTHING is there. Man, that farmer made his way quick! :) and passed Rynn and Arokh with all furniture they didnt even notice... lol

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 6:30 pm
by Dark Master
I thought you can't enter the house again.