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ice caves in northern tundra!!??

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 8:30 am
by rynnsgardianangel
<font color="purple"></font id="purple"><font face="Century Gothic"></font id="Century Gothic"><font size="3"></font id="size3">ok all! now i am at the allies camp in the northern tundra. I already got the gold sword and worriors ashes. now, to getthe rest,do i have to go to the ice caves? and what is that gold thing with the red stuff? everytime i walk through it, i get zapped, what is it and how do you go through it without getting zapped or whatever????[?][?][:D][:p][;)]

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 11:25 am
by EvilOmen86
ok the last item you need it the Visionary Amethysist, soar around the northen tundra untill u see a landing edge with lights on it, its fairly easy to see if you are flying low. land and enter, there will be a portal in front of you, now before you enter be heavily stocked because once you get cant get out untill the end. equip urself with some plate armour and a powerful bow (preferably) once u are armed, enter the portal. on the other side you will be in unfamiliar territory, the enemy you will encounter here is are Ice Golem's, they fire out beams of ice and are strong in close combat. you wont get lost in this area because its fairly straight forward, the best tatic to use against the golems is to hide behind the trees and pepper them with arrows. soon enough you will come across a statue with a blue crystal lodged into it, grab the crystal (the Visionary Amethysist) and look nearby for the exit portal.
hope this helps

p.s can u be more specific about this gold thingy that zaps you?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 4:34 pm
by Snotmaw
check out my this walkthrough.
Before I start I would like to give credit to Prima's Drakan tag strategy guide. Here’s a link.

1.Go to the portal that takes you to the ice caves. Before entering the portal, open the chest and break all the barrels. When Rynn steps onto the platform, she'll find herself in uncharted territory. There is only one way to go: Start heading forward towards the trees.

2. As you pass through the trees, you'll hear a strange sound and a beam of blue light will shoot out towards you. Hide behind the trees for cover until you can figure out where it is coming from.

3.Looks like a stone creature are responsible. You'll see two ice golems ahead at the edge of the snow. As with spell-casting creatures, you have to avoid their blasts until you can get in close enough to destroy them.

4.The ice Golems pack a powerful punch if you get to close, but at least they won’t be able to fire their freeze ray at you. When you have destroyed them, follow the dirt path through the giant archway ahead.

5.From the trees ahead, more Ice Golems will target you. Hide behind the trees and then emerge to do battle with each Golem one at a time.

6.If you get one of the golems to get struck by the ice rays, he will become frozen and easier to destroy. Be sure to keep an eye on your own weapons-you must switch between them if they become worn to the point of breaking. There is also a clue stone (4 dots west).

7.When all the enemies have been eliminated continue along the path. It drops down into a cavernes are where a group of scavengers will approach. Take them out and look for treasure in the ruins.

8.Take the steep path up above the left side of the ruins, battling an ice golem who appears in your way. The path branches to the left and to the right. Watch your step if you head to the right- the cliffs are steep.

9.The right path takes you through a group of ice golems and ends at an set of ruins containing more treasure. After taking you're fill, turn around and head back to where the path branched. This time head the other direction.

10. Drop down the path into an area full of trees. More Ice Golems appear in the forest, firing their beams in your direction. Use auto-targeting and jump to avoid the beams until you can get close enough to destroy the creatures.

11.Continue moving forward through the forest, battling additional groups of ice golems. You'll soon reach an odd looking rock formation.

12.Walk up the snow so that you can reach the top of the rock formation. Approach what looks like a giant eye, and rynn will remove the visonary Amethyst. Congratulations! You’ve recovered one of the ingredients!

13.Turn around from the formation and slide down the snow directly ahead. Pass the solitary tree in till you come to a set of ruins. Inside you'll find a chest and barrels filled with treasure, as well a portal.

14.Rynn will be transported back to the cave where she left Arokh.

There! I hope that helps everybody' problem with the ice caves.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2003 8:34 am
by rynnsgardianangel
ok thanks, this should help. oh and the red gold thingy! ok i found it in one of the grull caves somewhere nearby ravenshold. its in a cave. you cant miss it! its a huge gold framed boxed chamber,with red gems on each post holding it up and on all sides some kind of red dots,or i guess red magic, flow upwards. and every time you try to go through it,it kills you!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2003 10:21 am
by EvilOmen86
oh THAT thingy....well heres what u do...
go straight past the thingy and cruise around until u come to a dead end with a brick wall next to the wall is some exploding barrels, shoot them up and the floor beneath will explode, drop down in u will be smack bang in the midlle of the red thingy, the walls will fade and a spark will shoot out, follow it and it creates a bridge leading to a unique bow, once collected u can leave the cave.