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Semi-permanent game server now running

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:09 am
by Arokhs Twin
***Post edited for new server address. Note the drakan game server is no longer running but however the ftp site is working which hosts game files too large to host on***

I now have a stable Drakan game server running under Windows XP which I plan to run evenings and weekends (GMT times) which will run mainly player created levels. The server will also host all the levels that it is running downloadable via your web browser plus the music from both games. It's running on an old Pentium 3 650Mhz laptop which can be left on as it does not produce much noise to distract me especially at night.

The IP is
Drakan music tracks are:-

<b>Order of the Flame</b>

01 - Wartok Canyons.mp3
02 - Subdued.mp3
03 - New Order.mp3
04 - Title.mp3
05 - Order subterranean.mp3
06 - Dark Union.mp3
07 - Order Corrupted.mp3
08 - Nitetime.mp3
09 - Industrial.mp3
10 - Subterranean .mp3
11 - Drakan.mp3

<b>The Ancients Gates</b>

1) Main theme
2) Surdana.mp3
3) Surdana Castle.mp3
4) Swamp.mp3
5) Andrellian Isles.mp3
6) Andrellian Isles pt2.mp3
7) Ravenshold.mp3
8) Northlands.mp3
9) Daemog.wma
10) Catacombs
11) Kragmor.mp3
12) Desert of Tears.mp3
13) In Danger.mp3
14) Stratos.mp3
15) Flesh Mage.mp3
16) Jassad.mp3
17) Final Battle.mp3

Also the drakan novel can be found here as well.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:13 pm
by Eris
What d'you mean by saying here? I'm espacially interested of how the Ancients Gates music can be downloaded.
And AT, thanks for the server!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:17 pm
by Arokhs Twin
I meant on the server. It's also on this web site.
To download levels / music put into your web browser and the files should show up.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:10 am
by mage150
ah man i can't find the server :(

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:55 pm
by Arokhs Twin
My Internet provider decided to slap a monthly bandwidth download & upload limit on my connection without telling me as I discovered today. I'm on a 2mb download / 256kb upload speed with 30Gb per month transfer limit (was unlimited) but they also now offer a new service at the same cost as I'm paying. Basically, this still has the 30Gb per month bandwith limit but the speeds have increased to 8Mb download & 512kb upload (subject to line quality) so in other words my server can support more players but may use up more bandwidth. I have signed up for this and it will become active in the next 7-14 days.

Anyone got any idea how much bandwith a server is likley to use per day with on average about 4 hours of people playing on it? Bear in mind the server also hosts levels that its running and the drakan music. I reckon about 50mb a day but I could be wrong.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:32 pm
by AXE
Thats a good question, and cant help you on it. Your rate of speeds sounds good though!

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:44 pm
by AXE
Just played on the server, was a good ping at 130, for me in Canada.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:48 am
by buckmana
I can't access the site.

Don't know why.

But, if there's a Drakan novel there, I <b><font color="red">REALLY</font id="red"></b> want to!

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:47 pm
by Arokhs Twin
It's not running yet but it will be from now and over the weekend.
You can download the drakan novel on this site as well; go to the main site by clicking on 'home' at the top of this page and its on the index menu.