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A search for some old freinds

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:05 am
by The_Dragon_Lord
Its been almost 5 years since i stopped playing drakan online and i have returned to find and get in touch with some old friends and the old masters that played when i did.... i have found Lord Axe but im still looking for others like Lady Lexa, lord Lightblade, Master Heron666, Master Rimril, Lord Stormy Lake, Lady MadyWady and any others who may have knew me and were my friends if i forgot your names please forgive me my mind and vision is far from what it used to be but i would like to find and contact them so any info on how to would be a great help.. This i will say however Drakan is one came that sadly is a shadow of it formor glory but it one that i found personaly never boring and every battle presented a new challange from some it wasent a game but a way of life its a shame to see it has fallen so far from the loop..but after trying so many of the others online games i can still say this for drakan yes it is an older game but it is also a very enjoyable memorable one... but as i said before if i left you out of the list above and were my friend please forgive me because i would also like to hear from you as well.... Thanks TDL.... and master mage150 i rember you as well..[:D]

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:40 am
by AXE
Hey TDL, Good to see ya made it over here! Its a blast from the past hearing all them old names mentioned again. Maybe some of them are around still!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:39 am
by The_Dragon_Lord
they are ive found heron and rimril and yourself im still looking for the others..

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:14 am
by birdd0g33
HYIA TDL.Good luck in yer search.Last i saw lex was in some deerhunting game at gayspy.