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Ingame music issue Win98

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:09 pm
by bansaiii
Hello there all

I ve got a short question :
Im playing Drakan (445 on win98 on my oldskool pc) and there is the whole music-part missing. I ve already read about starting the dxdiag and deactivating something under the "music" tab. But for my part this doesnt work. The button to disable that function isnt even highlighted ^^.
Does anyone of you know another solution to bring the music back? (the sound effects work without any problem)
Got a Creative Soundblaster Live Player 1024 running in this old pc.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:50 pm
by Arokhs Twin
I had the same problem with the exact same card. Make sure A3D is disabled in the audio options; this should fix it.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:09 pm
by bansaiii
Humm... Im still working on it ^^. But the A3D Support was already disabled. Im trying to find some newer drivers for that soundcard.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:42 am
by bansaiii
Oh well,

updated the Drivers, played around with the AudioHQ, SurroundMixer and several other stuff for hours. Also copied dlls into the drakan folder, tried to manage the problem through the dxdiag ... still no success.

Im going to build in an additional Audigy 2 card. Maybe thats going to work

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:07 pm
by bansaiii

I finally made it !
TombRaider Last Revelation 4 made me solve this problem ^^. Since Tomb Raider didnt load into the MainMenu. I ve searched the net for a solution. On they told me to:

To solve this Problem you have to reinstall an Microsoft AudioCodec called ADPCM. Which already got installed with each Windows installation but somehow needs to be reinstalled.
(humm I m gonna mess this up. Have to translate the instructions from German into English =))

1. Open up "Systemcontrol"
2. Click on "Hardware"
3. Click twice "forward" (this only works this way if you have no hardware issues running in the Hardware-Manager)
4. Choose "No, Pick Hardware out of a List" and "forward"
5. Choose from this List : "different Components" and "forward"
6. Search the Manufacturers list to the left for: "Microsoft Audio-Codecs" to get the possibilty to choose "ADPCM CODEC" from the list to the right which is going to appear.
7. Click on "forward" to finish the installation (You will need the Win98 Disc inserted to your CD/DVD Rom Drive)

This also solved my Drakan Music Problem on Win98 and Soundblaster Live Player 1024.

Wooooohooooo ^^

My System :

P2 233 Mhz MMX
512 Mb SDRam
Voodoo 5 5500 AGP (x3dfx 1.08.04)
Soundblaster Live Player 1024 (standart CT4760 driver updated with the one from archive)
Windows 98 SE (without any ServicePacks)
DirectX 9.0c

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:12 pm
by bansaiii
Thats the german Text which made me solve the Drakan Music Problem:

Um das Problem zu lösen, müssen Sie den Microsoft Audiokomprimierungs-Codec ADPCM neu installieren. Mit der Installation von Windows, wurde auch dieser Codec installiert, nur ist dieser leider nicht mehr funktionstüchtig. Um den Codec neu zu installieren, folgen Sie bitte dieser Anleitung:

1. Öffnen Sie bitte die Systemsteuerung.
2. Wählen Sie dort "Hardware".
3. Klicken Sie bitte zwei Mal auf "Weiter".
4. Aktivieren Sie bitte "Nein, Hardware in der Liste wählen" und
klicken anschließend auf "Weiter".
5. Wählen Sie aus der Liste "Andere Komponenten" und klicken wieder
auf weiter.
6. Suchen Sie in der linken Liste (Hersteller:) den Eintrag "Microsoft
Audio-Codecs", um dann auf der rechten Seite "ADPCM CODEC" zu
7. Klicken Sie bitte nun auf weiter, um die Installation

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:35 pm
by Arokhs Twin
Glad you got it working. It was the A3D setting on mine but Windows 98 always does (and will) screw up for no apparent reason and require re-install of certain components of the operating system.

I still have my SB live player 1024 installed in my current, new(er) 5 year old PC that replaced my Win98 box as I found the sound quality better than the onboard realtek sound.

I really do need to think about replacing my PC again...

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:59 pm
by bansaiii

Humm... YupYup

Well the base of the PC I ve posted up there is about 9-10 years old now. Just bought myself an old V5 5500 AGP out of Ebay again and built up that old pc again. Reason was to get some old 3dfx-glide games running again and all the stuff I played on that system those years ago. (Drakan included. Played that one for quite a long period online under the name of IMI and certain other nicknames)
Im glad to have that one left for old games =). Even if some components do not really fit together ^^. It got 1 Gb of SD133Ram but only detects 512 at 66 Mhz I think. A 450 watts powersupply is powering the whole thing and an 30 GB UDMA 133 Harddisk is running at UDMA 33 =S
But somehow it works pretty good. Got almost all old games running. Comanche 1.0 and TFX 2 still missing tho ^^

Oh well, going to play some Drakan again now (lol I still know exactly every special move and every object which is located within the solo-campaign... even if I havent played it for ages... thats scary^^)

See you around