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Model Copying

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:44 am
by shoprat
Model Copying

In this post it is possible to identify one of the posters. The Endeavour level was made by Tia according to the readme in the level zip. No idea who wrote the first part of the post.

I've managed to make a new weapon texture in the level editor, I tried to make a copy of a weapon model to put it on, but I couldn't even find an option for copying a model, and if I can copy or make a new model, how I attach a new texture to it? Does anybody know how to do this, or has it been done before? If so, please help!

Hello. It's quite a bit of messing around to do this, but it certainly can be done. I used the following method to give the spear a Scavanger skin in my Endeavour level. :)

First you have to export the model you want to use from the Editor. To do this, open your database window and click the "Models" tab. Find the one you want, click on it, and go to the "File" menu. Choose "Export Selection..." It's the same process for exporting a texture, but use the "Textures" tab ect. Save it into a separate folder on the desktop (the easiest place).

Now, you can't do this with all the textures/models. You will sometimes get an error saying "can't export texture format" or similar. This is when the model has a texture that supports transparency, and you can't export those textures (called Alpha Maps).

Look in the folder which contains the model and you will see all the appropriate textures. It is best to change these in Photoshop or another program, as opposed to making your own from scratch. Save them with the same name they start with. They have to be bitmaps, of a certain size, or it won't work properly.

After that, you can re-import them back into the level editor - no need for the Modeller. To re-import, go to the database window and select your own level database from the drop down list, choose the "Models" tab and find "Add..." from the menu (I think it's the "Model" menu).

Do NOT import the model into any other database, because as a rule you should only be editing your own. Changing and saving anything else usually means a Drakan reinstall... :P

After this you need to make a new class, and a container for it. A class is the actual weapon itself, whereas a "container" is a powerup containing the weapon in it's object list. The "container" is what you place on the level, the class is only referenced. If you don't have a "container", the weapon won't regen in MP.

Go to your database and make a new class. Call it "New Blade#" for now. Double click on it, and the "Model" should be set to your new model, in your database. For the "Type", choose "Hand Weapon", then set all it's properties as you want. Now to make a "container". Make a new model and set the "Model" as before, but this time set the "Type" to "Single Rynn Powerup" (in the Powerup list I think). Call the class "New Blade" for now.You will find an "Item List" in the Instance Properties, so double click to add things to it. Add the "New Blade#" class, and you can now place this on your level!!

That's about it. I hope it helps...give me feedback if you get it working!