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Transporting MP

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:26 pm
by shoprat
Transporting MP

Is there away to make a pad that rynn walks onto and is transported to another location? MP Thanks..

in single player its pretty easy you just need a detector and a stomp player...and a super easy stomp scene that moves whatever you want to move...rynn...dragon...both.
You can take care of special fx any way you like. For the stomp use no interpolation.

So why cant i just use a stomp player and a detecor in multi player..? All i want to do is make pads that you walk onto and it teleports Rynn to other locations.. .. Oh well ill just think of something else.. Thanks anyway..

Because stomp uses actors. You cant just say...move the thing that touches this...You have to specificly say...move "this". And since a player is spawned out of thin air onto the landscape...and not there to start with you have no way of referencing one player from another.
If you're familar with stomp then you know what I mean.