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Adding textures

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:28 pm
by shoprat
Adding textures

How do I put a texture in my database that's already existing? I want to put a texture in my level database. Then I'm going to give it a special effect. I made the standard material and it won't let me use it. ARGH!

Also, I am using the bell tower piece for an arena level. How do I texture the top of it?

press [insert] while the textures tab is selected on the databases window...that will add a texture to the current database.

Delete a texture...

Argh! I've got one triangle that I need untextured... I've accidentally covered it with a texture and I can't figure out how to get rid of it. Help!

In the texture window select the black area. that will select "null".

Also set up the shift-click to "flip division" in the tool options. This will flip the division of the'l see.


3D modeler - texture painting ...

Hi All ! I have not find any FAQ on 3D modeler Trying by myself I can paint textures from "Textures" window to the current polygon but many of the textures consist of a "different parts" of model textures (for example textures of skeletons) and when I paint this texture to the polygon - it "paints" some middle part of the current "texture map" and I can not change (or move ?) the part of the texture painted on the polygon to the another part of the current "texture map" Can anybody explain how can I do that ? PS: There are a couple of another questions about 3D modeler - are there in the "world" any existing manual of using current modeler ?

When painting on the landscape in the editor you cant alter uv coordinates.
In the modeler you can alter them on other models. Not sure if its covered though on the very slim (hint to mike) modeler page.