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Meet the Drakan developers. Wayback links

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:32 pm
by shoprat
Just a few links that may bring a smile.

Surreal Pictures - A page of thumbnail pix featuring the developers at play. Click on the thumbnails for a larger picture. Most will work. Pictures include a rafting trip, press party, golf outing, and halloween party. ... ures.shtml

Bio of Surreal Developers - A few facts about some of the people that made the game we love. Has some small pix of the developers too. Have a look at the face of Sageous and others. ... people.htm

Drakan interview with Stuart Denman - Gamasutra interviews Denman where he talks of the development process of Drakan. He tells the tale of what went right and what didn't. Has some early concept pix used to interest game publishers. Find out how it all started. ... man_01.htm

Hope you enjoy the links!

Re: Meet the Drakan developers. Wayback links

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:35 pm
by Arokhs Twin
I remember those pictures, thanks. Not heard from anyone from Surreal software for a long time. A few used to keep in touch especially Sageous. I know the founders of the company (Stu etc) have moved on to other things since the studio was closed but I wonder what the rest of the staff are doing.

I can tell by the last visit dates the Surrealites haven't dropped by these forums for at least 3 years.