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Some questions to the Voices.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 5:43 pm
by Keeper_Volkeros
When i play the FM's, and a Messagescrean appers, i always ask me why can we not speak the voices?

I had tried it to implant some voices and with the 3rd try, it goes.
So you can implant new voices, for Rynn, Arokh, Orks and Knights.

We would only need speakers. But my question is now: Its very Easy to record new lyrics and to make them right for the game. So i can't think, that nobody else came to the same idea.
With the Users agreement, a Company can take out this. They can say that nobody can take voices into the game.
Is this so?
When not, why do we not speaks some voices for FM's?
Right is, that those records take many bytes. But with care, we can take away those problems.

Argh! I spoke very much.
My really Questions are: Can we record new voices and implant them into FM's?

If yes, why dont we do it?

Sorry for my English.

a won't be a better man... *lala*

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2001 8:26 pm
by Arokhs Twin
It is possible as I've played PCL's with new voices. I don't know how to do it though but they certainly add to the total level size.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2001 2:54 pm
by Keeper_Volkeros
Yes this is right, the voices were add to the lvl size. This is the Problem. Thief Missions are often more then 5MB great because the had so much recorded Sounfiles.
But with mp3 samples and a careful usage you can get it small.

However, i will send you a mail with a lvl, who had Soundfiles. (Its very small)

a won't be a better man... *lala*

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2001 12:08 am
by Drakon Rider
current public version of Drakan's engine do not support .mp3 ... only .wav ... it is very bad :(

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2001 5:05 pm
by Arokhs Twin
Are you making a SP level series Keeper? Or just a single level?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 8:41 pm
by Keeper_Volkeros
Ach Scheiße.. F*ck!

My PC had partionate himself. Now i must look where i had left my last Copy. I hope that Caligula still have the lvl. To your Question: Yes and no! I had just a Idea for a Story, but the lvl i meant was just a lvl what i hade made for a Editor Guide in German. Its very small and only a lvl who shows the basics things you can make with the editor.

I send it when i had downloaded syntrillyium.

a would be a bitter man!