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Want more

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2001 1:03 am
Does anyone knows a good Drakan-like game which can be played in SP?? (Flying Heroes is not valid. tried it already)

Thanks for any ideas

Dobos "Assassin" Andras

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2001 12:37 pm
by Arokhs Twin
No there isn't any games like Drakan that I know of, its a unique game. There are similar games such as Rune and Severance (Blade of Darkness in USA) which have a 3rd person fantasy theme but you can't ride dragons.
There is a game called dragonriders based on the world of pern, but guess what, you can't ride the dragon! The game is an adventure game rather than an action / adventure. I have heard that its not very good by most people.

Lets see what the future brings...

Webmaster of Arokh's Lair

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2001 11:34 pm
Awwww.... too bad.

Guess what, I have bougth a PC-magazin and read about a game called "Ozzy's Black Skies". It looks to be more than interesting... if you have seen Star Wars Rogue Squadron... than I think they can be related closely. It seems that Black Skies will be an air-oriented dragonriding game. I think that further info can be read on (shame, but I did not really manage to get useful info from there... maybe the fault's in me).

BTW - how will DO:TQ be avaliabe?? I guess it will be too big to download... but then how?? Can hardly belive that I will order it by post...

Dobos "Assassin" Andras

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2001 5:18 pm
by Drakon Rider
heh ... still can not understand ppl who say 'too big to download...' ... you already wait for DOTQ more than a year... and 2nd main reason - it is _networking_ game naturally ... so i think you going to get that game to play it ... i suppose you can not start it in SP mode anyway (without connection to game server) ... thus you must have internet connectio to play DOTQ ... now it is about the speed/size : some 56kers can get up to 50...100 Mb per night (about 8...10 hours)... so if DOTQ is going to be 50 Mb (promised at summer 2001) - you can get it at time of 1 night ... if it will be 600 Mb you will get it at 12 nights ... what makes you thinking it is impossible to get DOTQ by downloading ? i think if you going to play DOTQ you will need an internet connection about 33.6k or better for many weeks/months/...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 6:30 pm
Did you ever try a 33,6kbps connection? It takes a hour or more to download a map like the Fortress of Unreasonable darkness(rather more). I am from Central-Europe man! IE connection here is a nigthmeare. But I did thought about downloading DO:TQ, however, I did not knew the size of it. 50Mb... seems to be a fair one(let's hope they did not wanted to write 500 but only typed it wrong...)

BTW - have you taken a look at Ozzy's Black Skies? Any comments? Hopes? Anythin' else?

Dobos "Assassin" Andras

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2001 12:48 am
by Drakon Rider
yes .. i have good enough IDC-2814BXL/VR modem that has v.34+ only (33600 bps max) ... i know what time i need to receive 2, 20, 200 Mb ... it is _real_ time for human ... ofcourse if you pay to yor ISP for the time online it cause you to pay appropriate sum for the downloading time...
no i do not see that game yet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2001 12:52 am
by Drakon Rider
btw - today i think to make a level with 100+ Mb in size :) ... i only wish ppl have enough RAM and videoRAM to fit all thousands of textures ... i do not think what time it will take ppl to download it even at 2400 bps ... if you want something you will get it whatever way you can ...

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2001 2:23 am

I have an 56kbs modem but only have a 33Kbps telephone line, which is quite unstable... this makes downloading more harder, since you know what happens if it drops me off. But I do have a good method... goin' to school! What are computer studies lessons good for if not for this?? (I only have to get 50 1,44 disks. No problem :) ).

BTW - you should check where Black Skies is. It looks pretty cool yet(I am only talking about graphics. I do not know anything else from the game).

See ya' in DO:TQ! Until then, here and in Drakan MP.

Dobos "Assassin" Andras

Edited by - ASSASSIN on 15 Sep 2001 02:24:55

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2001 7:48 pm
by nubby
The sp game Crusaders of Might and Magic is the one that I think is most similar to Drakan, except you're on foot all the time and the distances are great.
It's 3rd person, you pick up axes, swords, hammers and build your spells. It's kind of crude compared to Drakan but it's fun and sells like for $5.
I know you're not supposed to pick on the locals but whack one and the whole bunch will take ya' down. This is so funny!

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2001 9:08 pm
by Arokhs Twin
I have played crusaders of might and magic and I found that the combat system is very difficult. You have to hit the enemy before he hits you otherwise you have no chance of surviving.
I checked out Irock's game Ozzy's black skies; The dragons don't look as good as Arokh but the rest of the graphics look fantactic. I think Ill try a demo of this if possible.

Webmaster of Arokh's Lair

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2001 11:17 pm

I think Black Skies demo is not released yet, and I did not even heared of any date published when it will come out. <img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>

As for Crusaders of M&M.... I did not try it. I am currently playing with Migth and Maic 7 and I am sparing money for part 8. With Drakan and Heroes 3, these 3 games rob all my free time, though......

Dobos "Assassin" Andras

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2001 5:14 pm
by nubby
I like Crusaders as it is practically the same as far as combat, moves, combos, that Rynn has. Don't confuse this one game with the other Might & Magic series which are rpgs.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2001 11:17 pm
I mainly play for the story....

Or I play to have a dragon under control(reason for M&M 8) :)

Gee... am I a fanatic???

Dobos "Assassin" Andras

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 3:52 pm
by SteamTeck
There is no dragon and it's an older game but I highly recommend Heretic II. Third person fantasy adventure with nice action and graphics. heavier on magic than Drakan. If you download the enhancement pack, you can play as male or female with lots of skins availible. There are also a number of sizeable user made add-ons.
However Drakan is Still my favorite.
Other 3rd person action games I've enjoyed are Oni and Heavy Metal. Both are scfi however.