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Can someone help me pleeze?

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2002 10:29 pm
by Sylver
I've had Drakan(ps2) for over a year now, and i've played the game countless times, yet always end up stuck at the very end, while fighting jassad in the final do u defeat the pain golem if there's a blue target ring around him? i've hit him w/ every attack arokh has!what do i do?[:(]

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 5:38 pm
by Rynn
posssible spoiler below highlight text to see:

<font color="black">First you have to wait for him to raize his other arm to strike then you use the sonic boom (the dark colored breath weaopon, the circle of that, It uses like almost all your mana) then after you do that a few times Jassard will die and so will the golem</font id="black">- Rynn

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 7:47 pm
by Kiyadanashkash
don't aim for the golem use flame and aim for Jassad after setting him on fire and him going out a few times he will die and the golem will fall down and you will have defeated the game