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Ice Caves

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 6:38 pm
by Merlyn16
Is there anyone to get to the ice caves on foot? Is there a way to get back to the Northern Tundra cave on foot if you left Arokh behind?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 6:48 pm
by Arokhs Twin
If you are where I think you are, you MUST take Arokh with you through the cave connecting Ravenshold and the Northern Tundra. If you get to a certain point, you cannot go back on foot and in some versions of the game there is a bug which causes you to loose Arokh. In either case, you will have to reload from an earlier save or start the game again.

The known bug is if you go into a cave connecting two levels together I.e. the Tundra and Ravenshold on foot you loose Arokh forever. The way to avoid this bug is to try and take Arokh into every cave you come across. If he definitley won't fit you will be OK but if he does, ride him through to the other side.
This bug was found and fixed in later versions of the game.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 8:15 pm
by Merlyn16
I have defeated the Invisible Wartok and gotten the golden blade...I have gotten the ashes of the fallen warrior...i am not stuck in the northern tundra valley...there is no known way to get into the ice caves on foot? do i really need to restart the game? that might very well kill me.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 8:34 pm
by Arokhs Twin
No, I think you need Arokh to get to the Ice Caves as the entrance is high up.

First of all, if you are in the Northern Tundra and you don't have Arokh (and you left him in Ravenshold) then you will have to go back and get him. If he has gone, you will have to start over.

Secondly, if you are currently in Ravenshold without Arokh (and you left him behind in the Northern Tundra) then there is no way you can get back to the cave entrance that I know of once you jump down from the ledge. If this is the case then its a restart I'm afraid.

If you are stuck, check the walkthrough on this site as my memory is a bit rusty but I know the Ice caves with the Golems is in the Northern Tundra.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 2:49 pm
by Lady Myschala
you can get there by foot but it's a trifle difficult you have to climb the path to the mountain top and there are three blackwings that attack unless you have already killed them and unless there is a bug in your game system simply walk through the portal