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valley of the fallen

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 9:22 pm
by tony
can someone please help me
1:how do i kill the dragon gaurdians of the temple?
2:how do i get into the temple

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 1:10 am
by hubertdorm
The easiest way for me to beat the dragons is to try and take them one at a time. This means flying close to one then pulling back (take out any near laser turrets first). Remeber, clone and time slow spells, invincibility and invuneralbility potions are very effective on your dragon. You must cast the spell BEFORE you mount Arokh.

Now, about that temple. To lower the red barrier, you must first kill a bunch of guys in very gloomy settings. Fly to an island with a bunch of waterfalls in the NE corner and talk to the man at the entrance of the building. (For fun, save the game and enter the building. Stay there until a movie sequence starts.) He tells you about the brides and where to get a potion to fight a spell. After he's done talking, you must kill a desert lord and a four-armed man.

Fly to the island in the SW with steam emitting from the top. You'll have to kill a bunch of dragons and enter a door that corpse soldiers come out of when it opens. Note: everything else is on foot till the rest of the game, so explore Stratos before entering.

Go through the area and fight Grotus (I think that's right). You'll find his potion in a chest. Step in the transport, you'll be back on that NE island. Kill the skeletons. You can't call Arokh, so enter the building. Go through it all; take the ferry to another island that is home to the Flesh Mage. Beat that area, and you'll find yourself in front of the temple with the barrier down. SAVE BEFORE YOU ENTER.[:p]

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 3:52 pm
by Arokhs Twin
I think he means the temple like structure at the end of the valley of the fallen. Anyway, like you say, hubertdorm, its best to separate the two guardian dragons and take them on separatley; also use magic and / or potions as this is a very hard battle.

Now, as for getting into the 'temple', you need a key which you get from somewhere in the valley (I can't remember but I think its from the boy called Perry which the wartocks have kidnapped) You use it on a small doorway to the left of the main entrance.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:57 pm
by hubertdorm