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Visionary Amethyst

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 2:20 am
by pianoman2672
OKay, I wouldn't ask because it can take the fun out of it, but after two days I'm going nuts and this game is way too cool to put down. I have everything the wizard needs except the visionary amethyst. Can someone give me a hint, and I'm guessing it was the easiest one of the four to find right?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 2:50 am
by Snotmaw
Well I got stuck trying to find it to once. If you only want a hint then here goes. At the northmen camp in the northern tundra there are men in the cave. You got the sword of pur gold from a guy in the cave at a desk right? well around him there is a nother man. Talk to him and he should say something about a portal and something about his friend being taken away. Go to him and he should tell you about it. If you still are stuck then I can tell you more. If you are still stuck I could give a location on the portal.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 3:00 am
by Lady Myschala
after speaking with the man in the northern tundra check your map it should say something about the ICE CAVES

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 6:04 pm
by Snotmaw
hey You e-mailed me about that. you saud that you couldn't finde the eye statu. well you should just kepp loking. I will play the game at that spot and post exact directions for you soon. good luck!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 5:05 pm
by Fireweaver
Hi, erm, I'm REALLY stuck with this amethyst thingy! So, is it actually in the Ice Caves, cuz I've already been in there and I didn't pick it up! If not, where is it???
All help will be appreciated! Thanks![:)]

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 12:22 am
by Snotmaw
hey I am working on that. I will post 2 pages of the tag stradagy guide explaing it. When I can get my scaner to work.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 2:00 pm
by Snotmaw
My computer wont let me past the image of a page explaining it so i'll have to typ it by hand.ok.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 3:07 pm
by Snotmaw
Before I start I would like to give credit to Prima's Drakan tag strategy guide. Here’s a link.[;)]

1.Go to the portal that takes you to the ice caves. Before entering the portal, open the chest and break all the barrels. When Rynn steps onto the platform, she'll find herself in uncharted territory. There is only one way to go: Start heading forward towards the trees.

2. As you pass through the trees, you'll hear a strange sound and a beam of blue light will shoot out towards you. Hide behind the trees for cover until you can figure out where it is coming from.

3.Looks like a stone creature are responsible. You'll see two ice golems ahead at the edge of the snow. As with spell-casting creatures, you have to avoid their blasts until you can get in close enough to destroy them.

4.The ice Golems pack a powerful punch if you get to close, but at least they won’t be able to fire their freeze ray at you. When you have destroyed them, follow the dirt path through the giant archway ahead.

5.From the trees ahead, more Ice Golems will target you. Hide behind the trees and then emerge to do battle with each Golem one at a time.

6.If you get one of the golems to get struck by the ice rays, he will become frozen and easier to destroy. Be sure to keep an eye on your own weapons-you must switch between them if they become worn to the point of breaking. There is also a clue stone (4 dots west).

7.When all the enemies have been eliminated continue along the path. It drops down into a cavernes are where a group of scavengers will approach. Take them out and look for treasure in the ruins.

8.Take the steep path up above the left side of the ruins, battling an ice golem who appears in your way. The path branches to the left and to the right. Watch your step if you head to the right- the cliffs are steep.

9.The right path takes you through a group of ice golems and ends at an set of ruins containing more treasure. After taking you're fill, turn around and head back to where the path branched. This time head the other direction.

10. Drop down the path into an area full of trees. More Ice Golems appear in the forest, firing their beams in your direction. Use auto-targeting and jump to avoid the beams until you can get close enough to destroy the creatures.

11.Continue moving forward through the forest, battling additional groups of ice golems. You'll soon reach an odd looking rock formation.

12.Walk up the snow so that you can reach the top of the rock formation. Approach what looks like a giant eye, and rynn will remove the visonary Amethyst. Congratulations! You’ve recovered one of the ingredients!

13.Turn around from the formation and slide down the snow directly ahead. Pass the solitary tree in till you come to a set of ruins. Inside you'll find a chest and barrels filled with treasure, as well a portal.

14.Rynn will be transported back to the cave where she left Arokh.

There! I hope that helps everybody' problem with the ice caves.[8D][;)]

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 5:02 pm
by Snotmaw
Did that help anyone[?]

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 1:06 pm
by Lady Myschala
when you're in the ice caves there is a trail that you come to about three quarters of the way through them follow the trail and it will split one path leading straight and another leading a different direction one of these trails leads to the exit portal and the other leads to some ruins with a strange contraption sticking out of one of the outer walls the amethyst is inside of this normally simply walking up to it will give you the amethyst but if that doesn't work just walk up to it and press L1 on your controller and this will put the amethyst in your posession this also triggers a laser that destroys all of the ice gollum giving you safe passage to the exit portal and yes fireweaver as you can now see the amethyst is in the ice caves

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 1:07 pm
by Lady Myschala
if that doesn't help email me at and I'll answer your questions the best I can

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 2:29 am
by Snotmaw
I hope that all that help helped someone.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 6:28 am
by EvilOmen86
i got whooped in the ice caves...mainly coz my armour broke halfway through. Snotmaw, that is a very detailed walkthrough....thanks.
my advice is to have a sturdy mace and strong armour.
would a Imapale spell be very effective? coz the ice golems are pretty weak.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 3:09 pm
by Snotmaw
oh yeah I use a lighting spell. I when there is a larg group of them I hide behind a tree and when they are powering their rays I jump out and zap them then hide behind the tree. That lower's the amount of them so it is easier. Spell's armor and a good sword is good for the ice caves.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 7:19 pm
by Fireweaver
Yeah, thanks, that did help me a lot! I've actually completed it now, but, ya know, I did use the Invincibility cheat! LOL